szombat, október 25

John Riley

Fair young maid all in a garden
Stange young man, passerby
He said, "Fair maid, will you marry me?"
This then, sir, was her reply:

Oh, no, kind sir, I cannot marry thee
For I've a love who sails all on the sea.
He's been gone for seven years
Still no man shall marry me

What if he's in some battle slain
Or if he's drowned in the deep salt sea
What if he's found another love
And he and his love both married be?

Well, if he's in some battle slain
I will die when the moon doth wane
And if he's drowned in the deep salt sea
I'll be true to his memory

And if he's found another love
And he and his love both married be
I'll wish them health and happiness
Where they dwell across the sea

He picked her up all in his arms
Kisses gave her: One, two, three
Said, weep no more, my own true love
I am your long-lost John Riley!

szerda, október 22

I sat within the valley green
I sat me with my true love.
My sad heart strove the two between
The old love and the new love.
The old for her the new
That made me think on ireland dearly.
While the soft wind blew down the glade
And shook the golden barley.

Twas hard the woeful words to frame
To break the ties that bound us.
But harder still to bear the shame
Of foreign chains around us.
And so I said the mountain glen
Ill meet at morning early.
And Ill join the bold united men
While soft winds shook the barley.

Twas sad I kissed away her tears
My fond arm round her flinging.
When a foe, mans shot burst on our ears
From out the wild woods ringing.
A bullet pierced my true loves side
In lifes young spring so early.
And on my breast in blood she died
While soft winds shook the barley.

But blood for blood without remorse
Ive taen at oulart hollow.
Ive lain my true loves clay like corpse
Where I full soon must follow.
Around her grave Ive wandered drear
Noon, night, and morning early.
With breaking heart when eer I hear
The wind that shakes the barley.

The Bold Fenian Men

't Was down by the Glennside
I met an old woman
A' plucking young nettles
She ne'er saw me coming
I listened a while
To the song she was hummin
"Glory-oh, glory-oh, to the Bold Fenian Men"

" 't Was many long years
Since I saw the moon beaming
On strong manly forms
Their eyes with hope gleaming
I'll see them again
Through all my sad dreaming
Glory-oh, glory-oh, to the Bold Fenian Men"

"Some died by the Glennside
Some died with a stranger
And wise men have told us
Their cause was a failure
But they loved their old Ireland
And they never feared danger
Glory-oh, glory-oh, to the Bold Fenian Men"

I passed on my way
Gods be praised that I met her
Be life long or short
I'll never forget her
We may have brave men
But we'll never have better
Glory-oh, glory-oh, to the Bold Fenian Men

kedd, október 21

A ghrá mo chroí

A Reggeli Harmatban

A mező határán, hol az erdő hirtelen véget ér

Az évszak első éjjelén

Mikor a Hold telve süt az ég közepén

Varázslatos fényben fürödve fogok várni Rád

Várni fogok, s fohászkodok, hogy álmom valóra váljon

Az ilyen éjjen tündét látnék, levelekbe burkolva

S te lennél e tünde, titkos álmaim vágya

S ha ezt az egészet csak a fantázia szülte is,

Ezen az éjjen akkor is csak enyém!

Szép éji ábránd…

Bennem él minden lélegezet, minden sóhaj, minden apró kis érintés

Utánakapok minden kis kép foszlánynak

S ahogy eltelik az éj, gyönyörű látvány fogad;

Táncot járva a harmaton a pirkadat csak érted jött el

S én a halovány csillagokat lesem útmutatásért

A mező határán, hol az erdő hirtelen véget ér

Az évszak első éjjelén

Mikor a Hold telve süt az ég közepén

Varázslatos fényben fürödve vártam Rád

Vártam, s fohászkodtam, míg szép álmom valóra vált!

Szép éji ábránd…

Bennem élt minden lélegezet, minden sóhaj, minden apró kis érintés

Utánakaptam minden kis kép foszlánynak

S ahogy eltelt az éj, gyönyörű látvány fogadott;

Táncot járva a harmaton a pirkadat csak érted jött el

S én a halovány csillagokat lestem útmutatásért

After Elvenking's - On The Morning Dew