péntek, március 20


I've had a dream with You again
But I can't remember all of it
On a night when I felt I'm in my center
A feeling came to enter
My very inner center

I've spoke with you again
But I can't remember what
And then you wanted to travel by a train
Far away
With a sad smile upon your face

I've had a feeling that it can't be the end
I've went after you and take on the train
Maybe - just to see you one more time
Maybe - to say - One last good bye
And then you did not understand why

I'm doing this...
But maybe you realized
You're important to me

You're important to me
'cause I'm still loving thee
And than I can't get off the train

csütörtök, március 19


As I drift away... far away from you,
I feel all alone in a crowded room,
Thinking to myself
"There's no escape from this

Visions of love and hate
A collage behind my eyes
Remnants of dying laughter
Echoes of silent cries

I wish I didn't know now that
I never knew then...
Memories punish me again
Sometimes I remember all the pain
that I have seen
Sometimes I wonder what might
have been...

Visions of love and hate
A collage behind my eyes
Remnants of dying laughter
Echoes of silent cries

And sometimes I despair
At who I've become
I have to come to terms
With what I've done

The bittersweet taste of fate
We can't outrun the past
Destined to find an answer
A strength I never lost
I know there is a way
My future is not set
For the tide has turned
But still I never learned to live
without regret.

[Lyrics & Music: D.Cavanagh]


I've feeling, I won't be coming down from this,
I was searching through the heavens and somehow I slipped!

I feel, I'm seeing so clear

Trying to forget tomorrow and all that's happened
This is not the way, the way I was meant to be

I feel, I'm seeing so clear
I thought I was never going to die
I feel, I'm seeing so clear
We need more time

Slipping away, I think I'm gonna crack
Misplaced trust, loyalty stabbed in the gut

I feel, I'm seeing so clear
I thought I was never coming back

I've been down for awhile,
And now I'm coming back...

[Lyrics & Music: D.Patterson]

szerda, március 18

Gondolat-játék II.

I've had a dream with you again
I was amazed of
What I could remember of it

You were pregnant
And I was happy to be
The father of the child
You wear under your heart

You've wanted to keep it
And your parents didn't know about it
I was smiled and amazed of
How happy and peaceful you seem to be

You wanted to left me still
And I released You
We had a smile upon our face and said:
"It'll be good to remember you"

That You will be coming back to me
With my child to see

And to love me again

kedd, március 17


Don't know what for...
Maybe for someone to come
Someone to call
Maybe You
Don't know what to do
Loving You

I can't be angry of you
I'm a fool
I'm trying to find
Myself in you
In the present

Don't want to hurt
Nor you nor anyone
Don't want to feel pity
Don't want to feel myself as a martyr
I don't want to fall and hit the Ground

This tower has benn fallen down
Have to release you
But I can't do

If I leave
Where will you go?
Wher will I go...
Don't know what you
Want to do...
With me,
With you.

Have to go through this
You don't want to be mine again
As I see
You can't
You can...

Hope we don't hurt each other
Once more

Don't want to see you
Why should we do this
To each other
Do The Moiras bound our hands
And nailed us to the ground

Be free of me
Leave me be
If that is what you
Have to go through

I'll be here.

Az írek világszerte megünneplik Szent Patrik napját, akiről úgy tartják, hogy ő hozta el Írországba a kereszténységet, és ő volt az is, aki kiűzte a kígyókat a szigetről. (A kígyók a gonosz megtestesítői, akiket Szt. Patrik egyetlen szavával a tengerbe kergetett). Miatta lett a lóhere az írek jelképe, mivel a lóhere, az ún. shamrock segítségével magyarázta el a pogány íreknek a Szentháromság mibenlétét.
A szent ünnepe eredetileg március 17-én van, amikor mulatságokat, felvonulásokat rendeznek tiszteletére. Patrik 432-ben érkezett Írországba és 461-ben halt meg. Egyes források szerint Franciaországban, mások szerint Walesben született, és onnan ír kalózok rabolták el, és hurcolták Írországba az akkor még egyszerű, pogány pásztorfiút. A fiú Írországban látomások hatására megtért, megszökött fogvatartóitól, és Anglia szigetére hazatérve megkeresztelkedett, és a szerzetesi életmódot választotta. De nem felejtette a pogány íreket. Visszatért a zöld szigetre és hirdetni kezdte a pogányok között az Úr igéjét.

A legenda szerint, nem sokkal azután, hogy Szt. Patrik megérkezett Írországba, tüzet gyújtott a Slane nevű városka melletti dombon, mintegy közhírré téve, hogy mostantól az Úr igéje uralkodik a sziget felett. A helyi királynak több sem kellett, elküldte az embereit, hogy beszéljenek Patrik fejével, mivel ezen a földön ő az úr, és nem engedélyezi, hogy ilyen jöttmentek tüzeket gyújtsanak az uradalma területén. A druidák azonban figyelmeztették a királyt, hogy bánjon csínján Szt. Patrikkal, mert az ő hatalma túl fogja élni az ír uralkodókat. Szt. Patrik a királynak megpróbálta elmagyarázni a Szentháromság mibenlétét, az kissé értetlenkedve nézett rá. A dolgot egyszerűsítendő a lába előtt növő kis lóherecsokorból letépett egyet, és a három zöld levélke segítségével magyarázta el a dolgot.

A király ezek után engedélyezte Patriknak a térítést, sőt, egyik embere megtérve, Slane első püspöke lett. Ennek emlékére a helyi pap minden Nagyszombaton tüzet gyújt a dombon. A dombtetőn álló temető szélén egy fehér, viharverte Szt. Patrik szobor tekint szét ma is a vidéken.

Írország nyugati felében található a Croagh Patrick nevű, szabályos kúp alakú hegy, amelyen Szt. Patrik 40 napig böjtölt egy Húsvét előtt. A hithű katolikusok számára ma is szinte kötelező a hegy - lehetőleg mezítláb való - megmászása július utolsó vasárnapján.

hétfő, március 16

Hope In The Prison Of Despair


"I was not put here by anyone in fear
I came alone as me
Just an idea in a long chain of discovery
Surrounded by the same you

Sometimes your tide pulls me out to sea
And I die in a thrashing curse
Sometimes we are kind
More often, I doze
So far up the beach that those who try to reach are burnt alive in the searing
heat of the desert of my dispassion
So far removed, I never hear the water
'Cept once or twice a month when I see a mirror

And I refuse to believe in some of the things that are said to be here
Let alone those that are not
I'm trying to change my direction
Ours is pathetic in my own humble estimation

I love the planet
The great benign she-wolf
Spinning gently on towards the red giant four aeons hence
When all the rose gardens are consumed in the flash-fire of flying time
She'll leave alone to you"

When you look at me
From your own century
I may seem to be
Strange archeology
But when the winds blow
From this direction
You may sense that I'm
In your reflection
I think I feel you
But I will never know
As the swallows leave
And the children grow

I wanted to live forever
The same as you will too
I wanted to live forever
And everybody knew

When I caught you there
In tomorrows mirror
I thought I felt you
Jump out of my skin
Throwing oil into
My blazing memories
Filling empty footsteps
I was standing in

I wanted to live forever
The same as you will too
I wanted to live forever
And everybody knew

As the falling rain
Of the northern jungle
Hanging droplets on the leaves
Bombards my brain
I hear you
Across the room
A sea of daffodils spring into bloom
You are the mist
The frost across my window pane
And again

She moves her body
And her whispers weave
And the world spins
And tells me that I'll never want to leave

As I think of you
From this dark century
I will always be
With generosity
That we both may share
The hope in hearing
That we're not just
Spirits disappearing

[Spoken word transcribed by Phil Morgan. These aren't a part of the original lyrics of "Hope"]

[Lyrics & Music: Harper/Gilmour]